
Psychology of Dreams

Psychology of Dreams

We all experience dreams during our sleeping time at night. But there is science and psychology before and after these dreams. Sometimes, people also experience bad dreams, which are termed as nightmares. Dreams are usually the stories and incidents which our mind constructs during the time we sleep. They can be realistic too. The dreams can make you feel glad, unhappy, or even scared. People also find them confusing sometimes.

The significance of dreams in our life

We can’t avoid dreams. Now and then, we are experiencing dreams. Dreams are very personal, and these have an important impact on the individuals experiencing them. Moreover, dreams do possess psychological significance. These dreams can often be an unexpected consequence of our internal anxieties, desires, and wishes.

Of course, we can pretend almost any kind of matter within our dreams.

Furthermore, dreams can indicate the areas of our lives where we need to pay attention. These can often reflect our meaningful relationships or the aspects of ourselves which we are tensed about. The significance of dreams should not be denied in our life. Below here, we have discussed the Psychology of Dreams :

The psychology behind dreams

These days, many people see dreams as a linkage with the subconscious mind. There are various types of dreams. They are exciting, dangerous, enjoyable, magical, adventurous, and many more. Dreams are noticed to be ranging from normal to completely bizarre ones. Except for comprehensive dreaming, the events that usually occur within our dreams are outside the dreamer’s controlling ability.

The dreamers are always self-conscious during the time of lucid dreaming. Sometimes, dreams can develop creative thinking and provide the dreamer with a good feel of encouragement.

Going through different cultures and periods, we have seen that opinions have fluctuated and shifted about dreams’ meaning and significance. It may seem that people usually endorse the Freudian principle of dreams, which indicates that dreams reveal hidden emotions and desires.

Moreover, other theories state that dreams help us in our problem solving and the creation of memory.

However, some people suffer from a sleep disorder, and amidst this problem, they physically behave abnormally in their dreams during sleep. This kind of behavior is called REM Behavior Disorder (RBD). The type of dreams is often related to the fulfillment of a wish or desire.

Dreams are the particular happenings which the brain expresses during the Rapid Eye Movement and the stage of sleep. People generally have several dreams every night, which grow to be longer as the sleep heads to a close.

Do all the dreams connect to real life?

Not really. But the majority of the dreams do that. Dreams generally involve elements from real life. These include the known ones and familiar places. However, they also often contain a pleasurable feel. Dreams also come to show us some scenes which are not going to happen ever in life. So we should not get worried about the harsh things which we see sometimes in our dreams. We have to believe that these can be the result of some tensions and anxiety. 

Can we interpret our dreams?

Dream interpretation is one of the most major aspects for the science of psychology. It is possible to interpret our dreams with good knowledge on the topic. And by this, we can bring out the inner meaning out of a dream.

Why do people have nightmares?

People do not always pass the uniform state of life. They have to undergo many happenings. Nightmares are a part of our life. We can’t avoid them. These are natural happenings. People often remain anxious and tensed owing to different situations and occurrences. When these tensions and complications get stuck in our minds, we can’t also sleep properly. This is why nightmares take place.    

Do all the nightmares reflect real life?

Yes, they often do occur depending on different real-life situations.  Not all nightmares reflect real life. Don’t worry about it. Because they appear in dreams, and they don’t happen in real life. The tension which you do in much about those bad situations leads to these nightmares. So, it would help if you remain relaxed in life.

 A lot has been discussed about nightmares, and now, we will be discussing lucid dreams.

An insight into lucid dreams

There are some types of dreams which you can have control while experiencing them. These are lucid dreams. During the time of experiencing lucid dreams, a dreamer is conscious that they are doing that while asleep. But the matter is here; they can control the happenings within the dreams to a certain extent. Some clubs and communities are dedicated to getting to know how to experience a lucid dream.

How do lucid dreams impact?

The researchers and experts suggest that our brains undergo psychological manipulations at the time of lucid dreaming. These dreams impact people’s way of life and their emotional and behavioral approach. Even people look forward to experiencing these dreams. Because they are often inspired and headed for experiencing some situations and pleasure. When these things don’t happen in real life for a long time, they get restless to experience those dreams.

Can any person experience lucid dreams at will?

The majority of people do not generally experience lucid dreams. The reason is that they often do not realize they have already experienced a lucid dream. But many people want to experience it in a limited way. But some of the experts and the researchers these dreams help to gain confidence. Moreover, these also help in reducing stress and anxiety from the people. These impacts significantly on lifestyle.


Dreams are an integral part of our life. More often than not, we experience various types of dreams, be it a lucid one, a pleasurable one, or a nightmare. These dreams usually affect our way of life, both positively and negatively. And there is a vast science and psychological justification that go through these dreams. And often, you search on the web for “Psychology of Dreams.” We anticipate this article enriches you with proper knowledge of plans.

Source: Psycentral, healthline, wellmind.

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